Showing posts with label Dhyaan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dhyaan. Show all posts

Shiva Dhyaan Mantra


Shiva Dhyaan Mantra

Karcharankritam Vaa Kaayjam Karmjam Vaa Shravannayanjam Vaa Maansam Vaa Paradham |

Vihitam Vihitam Vaa Sarv Metat Kshamasva Jay Jay Karunaabdhe Shree Mahadev Shambho ||


Ode to the Supreme One to cleanse the body, mind, and soul of all the stress, rejection, failure, depression and other negative forces that one faces.


Namaste Astu Bhagavan
Vishveshvaraaya Mahaadevaaya
Trayambakaaya Tripurantakaaya
Trikaalaagni – Kaalaaya
Kaalaagni – Rudraaya Nilakantaaya Mrityunjayaaya
Sarveshvaraaya Sadaashivaaya
Sriman Mahadevaaya Namah.


Oh Lord, salutations to you, Oh Lord of the Universe, Greatest of them all!
He who has three eyes (eye of omniscience), he who gives enlightenment which is beyond three (Astral, Physical & Causal) worlds, He who like fire devours all three times (Past, Present, Future) within himself, Like Time, he who ends everything, like time he who disciplines the world into order, He whose body is vast ( blue like sky, oceans), He who has conquered 
Yama, the Lord of Death/ Time.

Lord of all Beings, Consciousness which is untouched by the world yet everything in the world is because of him

Mantra on waking up

  Mantra on waking up K aragre vasate lakshmi kara madhye saraswati karamoole tu govinda prabhate kara darshanam When you wake up, look a...